You Need A Pro For That: 3 Ear Piercing Procedures You Don't Want To Leave To An Amateur

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Body modifications have been a part of human culture for centuries, and they help people express their unique style and personality. When it comes to ear piercings, the options are vast, ranging from simple lobe piercings to more intricate and challenging techniques. A lot of people pierce their ears on a whim, and that's absolutely fine — unless the piercing is complicated.

If you're about to get any of the following piercings done, make sure you check out the studio and its ear-piercing procedures so that you know you're dealing with an experienced professional: 

1. Industrial Piercing

An industrial piercing is a bold and eye-catching choice for those seeking unique ear adornment. This piercing involves connecting two separate holes on the upper ear cartilage with a single barbell for a very urban, edgy look.

Since the Industrial piercing goes through a significant portion of cartilage, it requires precision and expertise to avoid unnecessary pain or complications. 

2. Rook Piercing

The Rook piercing is named after its placement in the upper part of the ear's antihelix, near the inner ridge. This unique and captivating piercing requires the piercer to punch through the thick cartilage fold between the inner and outer ear.

Due to the tricky positioning and density of the tissue, performing a Rook piercing requires skill and experience. The piercer carefully selects the entry and exit points and uses a sterilized needle to create the piercing. Captive bead rings, curved barbells, or studs are common choices for jewelry in this area. 

3. Daith Piercing

The Daith piercing has gained popularity in recent years, not only for its aesthetic appeal but also for its therapeutic benefits related to migraines. Some people find it more effective than medication to stop their headaches. This piercing passes through the ear's innermost cartilage fold, located above the ear canal.

Due to the intricate placement, performing a Daith piercing can be challenging. A skilled piercer must carefully identify the right spot, avoiding vital structures such as blood vessels and nerves. They then use a needle or cannula to create the piercing. 

The Industrial, Rook, and Daith piercings are all unique and visually striking choices for those who want to explore their fun, wild or dramatic side. However, it's worth remembering that these piercings require the expertise of a professional who understands the intricacies of each technique. 

Remember, if you're considering any ear piercing, do thorough research, consult with an experienced piercer, and weigh the potential risks and benefits. With the right guidance and care, you can enjoy the beauty and individuality that these difficult ear piercings offer.

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Choosing Gorgeous Jewelry Pieces When was the last time you really stopped to think about how you presented yourself to other people? Although you might not think twice about the kinds of jewelry you wear, choosing the wrong items can be detrimental to the perception you create. I wanted to focus more on creating a great impression, so I began going through my jewelry, getting rid of pieces that I didn't want anymore, and finding new items that could take their places. This blog is here to help people to choose gorgeous jewelry that they will love forever. Check out this blog for more information.

